
富二代视频app University students on campus

Frequently Asked Questions

We're sure there are some burning questions you have about the RA job that have yet to be answered as you surf around our website. The Office of Housing and Residence Life is looking for a student who is responsible and able to model strong leadership; outgoing and excited to develop SU students; knowledgeable of campus community; dedicated to building relationships; looking for a challenge; and committed to diversity.

What is a duty night?
A duty night is when the RA is required to be in the building staff office for a period of time during the late evening. While the RA is on duty, the following responsibilities are met: sitting at the building's front desk; completing building rounds; interacting with residents; checking the security of the building; and responding to maintenance and emergency incidents. Following the last round, the RA is expected to remain in the building until the next morning.

Are RAs to hold outside employment?
This would be a conversation to have with your supervisor to gain approval before acquiring secondary employment.

What is the RA class?
The RA class is a spring 1-credit leadership course in which new staff members learn about issues of diversity, community development, conflict mediation, student development theory, etc. Newly hired RAs are expected to attend the class; the course will take place following selection of new staff in mid-March. New staff will automatically be registered for the class once hiring is completed.

When does RA training begin?
Fall RA Training is held in August before the fall semester begins. Winter RA Training is held in January before the spring semester begins.

When can I leave at the end of the Fall and Spring semesters?
RAs are required to remain in the building until each resident has checked out of the building and the building has been secured for the semester closing. The same is true for both the Thanksgiving and Spring Break closings. Sea Gull Square and Sea Gull Village RAs may have to work holiday breaks.

I was documented for a Housing policy violation. Should I consider applying for an RA position?
The RA contract does specify that you cannot be on any type of University probation and hold the RA position at the same time. Yes, we still encourage you to apply. We will handle these matters on a case-by-case situation.

I transferred to SU at the beginning of the semester from another college. Am I eligible for the RA position?

How often will little things "pop up" that I am expected to handle as an RA?
Because of our closeness to SU students, many departments throughout the university will rely on us to disseminate information and motivate students to get involved on campus. We receive requests throughout the year for your involvement in university events, and we do our best to support SU. As a residence life staff, we are in the business of developing students and complementing their academic pursuits. The strength of your community within the residence hall is dependent upon the overall quality of the SU campus community. There will never be a time when you will be asked to do something that doesn't support SU and its goal to be a strong student-centered campus!