
富二代视频app University students on campus

Financial Aid and Tuition Waivers

Financial Services provides critical financial and administrative services to students and employee. We are the department that bills students and third parties, processes federal financial aid refunds, pays employees and vendors, procures goods and services, prepares budgets and financial statements, processes accounting entries, reimburses employees for expenses, collects cash receipts, administers parking permits, makes student residency determinations, maintains inventory records and delivers mail to campus.

Financial Aid

The awarding of financial aid is handled by the Financial Aid Office. Most financial aid is credited directly to the student account. Most financial aid disbursements will appear on the tuition bills emailed prior to the start of the semester.

Scholarships are also applied directly to the student account, and any amount of overpayment of University charges is submitted for refund processing.

Generally, the University does not defer payment of bills on the basis of pending financial aid applications. In addition, in the event the financial aid application was received by Financial Aid in a timely manner and the delay in receipt of financial aid is solely the fault of the University, the Accounts Receivable Supervisor will consider making an exception. Otherwise, it is in the student's best interest to ensure the financial aid application has been received and processed by the Financial Aid Office in time for aid to be available at the beginning of the semester when the bills are due. Allow 2 months prior to the bill due date for financial aid processing.

Tuition Remission

The University System of Maryland tuition remission policies and forms for faculty, staff, dependent children and spouses, senior citizens, graduate assistants, and members of the Maryland National Guard are available in each institution's Human Resources Office. Individuals who are eligible for tuition remission must complete a remission form for each term in which they enroll and submit it to their home institution's Human Resources Office. The Human Resources Office will verify the information and send the form to the Accounts Receivable Office. For those attending an institution in the University System of Maryland other than their home institution, the home institution's Human Resources Office will verify the information and send the form to the host institution's Human Resources Office.

Remission forms should be filed prior to enrollment of courses. The remission credit will be reflected on the bill for the term, if the host institution's Accounts Receivable Office has received the approval form before the bill is emailed. Please note only tuition is remitted, fees must be paid. Payment due dates and all other University policies apply to individuals who are eligible for tuition remission.

Senior Citizen Waivers

To qualify for Senior Citizen Tuition Remission you need to be at least 60 years of age and retired, your chief source of income needs to be derived from retirement benefits, not engaged in full-time employment, and be a Maryland resident. The Senior Citizen Tuition Remission form can be found online or in the Human Resources Office. Tuition Residency forms are available and must be submitted to the Tuition Residency Office for verification of Maryland residency. Those eligible are entitled to a waiver of tuition not to exceed 9 credits per semester at the standard tuition rate for a single academic term. Mandatory and course fees are the responsibility of the senior citizen and are not waived. Tuition remission is granted on a space available only.

Maryland National Guard Waivers

Members of the Maryland National Guard are eligible for a 50 percent remission of the in-state tuition rate for a maximum of 6 credits per term. Certification of active status by the Maryland Adjutant General must be provided.

Questions about tuition remission should be directed to the home institution's Human Resources Office. 富二代视频app University's Human Resources Office has tuition waiver forms available for downloading and printing on their web site.