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Faculty Travel Grants

The Faculty Senate’s Faculty Development Committee (FDC) awards funds for professional travel during two periods in the academic year:

  • June 1 through December 31
  • January 1 through May 31

Typically, a faculty member uses this money for expenses incurred while attending national, international, or regional conferences, or traveling for other professional activities. In order to ensure the most efficacious use of this budget, the Faculty Development Committee gives priority to those applications from individuals planning to deliver presentations or otherwise actively participate in formal professional activities at conferences or similar forums. Applications from individuals seeking travel money to attend such events without actively participating in formal activities will be accepted, but will not be considered until stipends have been determined for conference presenters or other active participants.


The members of the FDC would also like to reiterate their desire to maintain the efficacy and integrity of faculty development funding. To this end, the members emphasize that the present guidelines for reimbursement of faculty development and conference travel aim to ensure the appropriate spending of funds as much as possible. According to these guidelines:

  1. A faculty member may receive only one $600 grant per academic year. More specifically, if a faculty member receives a grant during the June 1 through Dec 31 funding cycle s/he will not be eligible to receive another award during the January 1 through May 31 funding cycle. According to the existing procedure, each awardee will receive $600.00 during an academic year. The amount allocated will be the same for attending or presenting.
  2. Each faculty member may indicate up to two trips on the application form. Please only complete one application. Travel funds may be used for only these two trips. Travel funds may not be used for other trips (unless special permission is granted by the Faculty Development Committee).
  3. Funds are distributed through a lottery system, prioritizing presenters and active participants then followed by attendees and other activities. Individuals who apply and do not receive funding will be placed on a waiting list in case funds become available.
  4. Each faculty member must submit proof, highlighting your name, of conference or workshop participation to receive reimbursement.
  5. Other development activities besides conference or workshop participation will be considered for funding providing that the applicant:
    1. Submit a statement outlining clearly what the activity is – visit to art gallery or museum, work at research institute, archive, etc. – and how the proposed activity will enhance the professional development of the faculty member.
    2. Also agree to submit a letter or other documentation approved by the FDC from the relevant institution confirming that the stated professional activity took place.
  6. Faculty development travel funds may not be used to fund chaperones for student trips.

Call for Applications

The FDC invites faculty to apply for funding for travel that will occur during June 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024.

The deadline for application is through May 20, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. Applications will not be accepted after this deadline. Questions regarding Travel Grants can be directed to the FDC Travel Grants Administrator, Dr. Meghan East at mseast@salisbury.edu 

After you have submitted your application, please verify your submission by making sure that:

  1. The website should indicate your application number; AND
  2. Your current application information is identified as accepted or is being processed when you check the status of your application on the FDC Travel Grant application site.