
富二代视频app University students on campus

Henson Curriculum Committee

The Committee Role

  • Receives curriculum proposals from departments.
  • Reviews proposals and submits approved proposals to the University Curriculum Committee (UCC).
  • Provides feedback and suggests revisions to the department chair for proposals that are not approved.

The Committee Composition

The committee has five voting members: one from each of the Henson School departments, elected by their respective departments. The School Dean or designee, University Registrar or designee, Library Liaison, and Advising Services Coordinator serve as ex officio, non-voting members. The committee elects its chair annually.

Current Committee Members

  • Biological Sciences: Jennifer Nyland (Committee Chair)
  • Chemistry: Anita Brown
  • Geography & Geosciences: Mark DeSocio
  • Mathematics & Computer Science: Alex Halperin
  • Physics: Gail Welsh

Meeting Information

Committee meetings are typically Wednesdays 4-5pm in the Henson Dean’s conference room. For updated meeting information, please contact the committee chair.