
富二代视频app University students on campus

Fulton Curriculum Committee

Online Curriculum Management System

Access the  to submit new and updated graduate curriculum. Separate Undergraduate and Graduate Approval Processes are available to facilitate the following curriculum management:

  • New Course
  • New Major or Stand-Alone Certificate
  • New Track or Concentration
  • New Minor
  • New Prefix
  • Change to Course
  • Change to Major, Concentration or Track
  • Change to Minor
  • Change to Undergraduate Curriculum Guide/4-Year Guide
  • Drop Course from Catalog
  • Suspend Major or Minor
  • MHEC and USM External Approval
  • Other

For each of the 14 Fall 2024 General Education requirements, a unique Approval Process has been created (for both new courses and current SU courses seeking a new General Education designation).

Use your SU username and password to sign in.

If you would like to request individual or group training, please contact Jennifer Ellis: jeellis@salisbury.eduPlease include a brief description of the type of training you are looking for (new user, creating a new program, general education, etc.).

Curriculum Guide

The Committee Role

  • Receives curriculum proposals from departments.
  • Reviews proposals and submits approved proposals to the University Curriculum Committee (UCC).
  • Provides feedback and suggests revisions to the department chair for proposals that are not approved.

The Committee Composition

The committee has six voting members: five faculty serving two-year terms and one faculty elected by the Faculty Senate serving a three-year term as a representative to the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. The School Dean or designee, Registrar or designee, Library Liaison, and Advising Services Coordinator shall be ex officio and non-voting members. The committee shall elect its chairperson annually.

The Fulton Curriculum Committee Members for AY 2024-2025

Edward Brown



Dean Kotlowski



Jason McCartney



Shawn McEntee, Chair



Isabel Quintana Wulf



Emily Story

UCC Representative


Tina Plottel



Elizabeth Kressin



Chrys Egan

Dean’ s Office


John Anello

Advising Services



Proposal Submission Deadlines and Meeting Dates AY24-25

Proposal deadline 5PM FCC meeting date Notes
FALL 2024
9/5/2024 Select Chair/Review Process
9/12/2024 9/19/2024
9/26/2024 10/3/2024
10/10/2024 10/17/2024
10/24/2024 10/31/2024
11/7/2024 11/14/2024
2/6/2025 2/13/2025
2/20/2025 2/27/2025
3/6/2025 3/13/2025
3/28/2025 4/3/2025
4/10/2025 4/17/2025

Purpose of the Fulton School Curriculum Committee

The members of the Fulton School Curriculum Committee are committed to the integrity and quality of the Liberal Arts Curriculum of 富二代视频app University. We are dedicated to working with faculty and the University Curriculum Committee in making adjustments to the Liberal Arts Curriculum that uphold the University’s commitment to a quality education and academic integrity. Bearing in mind that the Fulton School carries the largest share of General Education offerings, we are particularly attentive to the breadth and depth as well as diversity of the School’s offerings.

In the hope of maintaining fidelity in form and content to the standards of the School, the University and the great traditions of the liberal arts, the following issues are considered during procedural review of all proposals submitted to the committee: