ࡱ>  &bjbjO O 4-a-a(((((<<<<,hT<hf$r ( (("(((pG3(80h"B(_t  h :  This form has been created to aid you in strategically planning to meet the in the Maryland Professional Development Schools standards. Ideally your coordinating council (administrator, SU Liaison, Site Coordinator(s) & Mentor(s) should complete this planning document and use it to guide PDS activity at your site during the school year.Standard I Learning Community: The PDS recognizes and supports the distinct learning needs of faculty, staff, interns, students, parents, and community members.StandardEvidence for Meeting the StandardPlan Standard 1B1: Interns actively engage with faculty and staff to support school and community related projects (e.g. PTA, family nights, carnivals, fairs, field days, sporting events, concerts, dances, school plays, etc.).Standard 1C1-C2: Interns and mentors collaboratively plan to integrate theory and practice.Standard 1A: SU assists your site in identifying, planning and presenting needs-based professional development for mentors and interns to improve instruction that positively impacts student achievement.Standard 1B: PDS partners (administrators, site coordinators, SU liaisons, SU intern supervisors, mentors, interns and school staff) plan and participate in activities where all school staff is encouraged to support and interact with interns (e.g. Professional Learning Communities, intern & mentor orientations/forums, team, grade-level and department meetings, etc.).Standard 1A: Mentors and interns engage in inquiry projects such as student impact projects and/or action research.Standard 1B: Inquiry projects such as student impact studies and/or action research results are shared with your site and SU.Standard 1A: Your mentors and SU's faculty model the use of state/local learning outcomes (e.g. Common Core, MD curriculum, etc.).Standard 1B: Interns demonstrate competency in using local and state learning outcomes and assessments to plan, deliver and assess instruction.Standard II. Collaboration: PDS partners work together to carry out the collaboratively defined mission of the PDS.StandardEvidence for Meeting the StandardPlanStandard IIA: SU faculty, supervisors & liaisons convey internship expectations to mentor teachers.Standard IIC1: PDS partners determine professional development needs, plan professional development activities to meet those needs, implement activities and assess the effectiveness of the implemented activities.Standard IIB: Mentors & interns identify the research/inquiry agenda based on the needs of a classroom or PDS site. (e.g. questions/issues for student impact studies or action research)Standard IIB: Representatives of PDS stakeholder groups participate on the school improvement team.Standard IIC: Interns and mentor teachers collaborate to integrate MD Pre-K12 content priorities (e.g. Common Core, MD curriculum, etc.) and use outcomes to guide instructional decisions.Standard III. Accountability: The PDS accepts the responsibility of and is accountable for upholding professional standards for preparing and renewing teachers in accordance with the Redesign of Teacher Education. PDS partners work together to carry out the collaboratively defined mission of the PDS.StandardEvidence for Meeting the StandardPlan Standard III B2: Your site and SU work together on assessing intern portfolios using standards-based scoring tools/rubrics.Standard III B: PDS partners use results from feedback obtained from inquiry projects such as student impact studies and/or action research and/or intern exit conferences, etc. to inform future practice with the PDS.Standard III A1: PDS stakeholders collaborate to identify specific ways each stakeholder will address identified school improvement plan goals.Standard III A2: PDS stakeholders actively engage in implementing school improvement plans and initiatives.Standard III B1: University liaisons, site coordinators and school faculty collaboratively analyze data (e.g. PDS Site Assessment) on the impact of PDS on student achievement.Standard IV. Organization, Roles and Resources: Partner institutions allocate resources to support the continuous improvement of teaching and learning. (e.g. classrooms, materials, professional development for interns, training for mentors, mentor stipends, PDS mileage reimbursement, etc.)StandardEvidence for Meeting the StandardPlanStandard IV A. Your site and SU work together to continually define the roles and improve operations through increased communication (e.g. SU RPDS Coordinator & SU Field Experience Coordinator emails, representation on the RPDS Council, SU faculty in your site, etc.).Standard IV C2. Your site and SU work together to inform interns and new teachers about PDS (e.g. mentor & intern orientation/forum, placement interviews, PDS presentations to school faculty, PDS brochure, etc.).Standard IV A. Your site and SU contribute to the identification of professional dispositions of SU candidates (e.g. through the RPDS Council by assisting in the creation of and completion of field progress reports for foundations, methods, and internship and providing input on candidate dispositions).Standard IV B. With assistance from seminar, your mentors & interns work together to create an inquiry project (e.g. student impact study and/or action research) with data based on a school improvement goal for your site.Standard IV A.Your school or district provides information to parents, community, and/or to your school through PDS newsletters, bulletin boards, wikis, or school web sites.Standard V. Diversity and Equity: The PDS supports equitable involvement of PreK-16.StandardEvidence for Meeting the StandardPlanStandard V A. SU interns are generally placed in your site for two consecutive semesters (one day per week, typically the semester before internship and at least one every day 8 week experience).Standard V B. SU interns are able to work successfully with diverse populations (e.g. special education, ELL, ethnicity, SED, gifted and talented, etc.).Standard V C. Your site interns have the opportunity to collaborate with special personnel (e.g. Special Education, Physical Therapist, School Psychologists, Speech Therapist, etc.) to create plans, evaluate student IEPS, etc.Standard V C. Your school (students and faculty) represent diverse backgrounds (ethnicity, educational backgrounds, scholarly interest, and/or cultural differences).Standard V A. Mentors and interns plan and conduct inquiry projects such as student impact studies and/action research with attention to issues of achievement gap and equity issues.Standard V B1. Interns share collaborative research findings targeting equity issues and the needs of diverse learners with the school and the university.Standard V B2. Teacher candidates and interns are used to address equity and achievement gap issues in your school (tutoring, pullouts, small group instruction, etc.).Standard V A1. Interns participate in team, department, or grade level meetings that attend to the achievement needs, gaps, and other equity issues of Pre-K12 students.Standard V A2. Interns initiate, participate in, and reflect on the success of various forms of parent communication about student achievement (e.g. parent conferences, letters home, phone calls, etc.) with special attention to equity issues and the participation of minority and under-represented parents.Standard V C1-C2. PDS partners explore, celebrate and value diversity in instruction and assessment.Standard V C4. PDS partners modify instruction to eliminate achievement gaps. 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